Upcoming events.

Wally Brath with the Symphony of the Lakes
Wally Brath will perform 4 pieces on piano with the orchestra, including Matt Riley’s arrangement of the beloved hymn, It Is Well, with the Symphony of the Lakes.

Wednesdays Live in the Village
Join Wally Brath and friends for an evening of acoustic jazz.

Wednesdays Live in the Village
Join pianist and violinist, Wally and Shana Brath, as they play a variety of music from light classical to jazz.

Wednesdays Live in the Village
Join Wally Brath and friends for an evening of acoustic jazz with special guest vocalist Trinell Armour.

Wednesdays Live in the Village
Join Wally Brath and friends for an evening of acoustic jazz.

Wally Brath leading worship at WLGBC
Wally Brath will be leading musical worship at Winona Lake Grace Brethren Church for morning services.

Live jazz @Three Crowns
Join the Wally Brath jazz trio for an evening of acoustic jazz at Three Crowns Coffe.

Wednesdays Live in the Village
Join pianist and violinist, Wally and Shana Brath, as they play a variety of music from light classical to jazz.