Would King David approve of a jazz Psalms album?

If King David were alive today would he approve of a jazz Psalms album? Something that has intrigued me for a long time is the reality that God could have given us a musical score for the Psalms. There could have been some kind of notation included with the Sacred text that told us exactly what kinds of melody, harmony, and rhythm God wanted to accompany the sung prayers…but he didn’t. Much like translations of the Bible in different languages, God chose to allow different cultures to use their unique, God-given musical language to accompany the Psalter.

Why record a jazz Psalms album? Admittedly, jazz means many things to many people. As a style, it has evolved over time and covers many sub-genres (e.g. early ragtime, big band swing, virtuosic bebop, cool jazz, fusion etc.). I have been attracted to the genre because of its deep harmonic and rhythmic characteristics, as well as the conversation-like quality of improvisation. The Psalms cover an expanse of emotional ground and I believe jazz has the depth musically to match the prosody of this divine poetry. Hebrew poetry is less interested in external forms and employs a freer idea of “thought rhymes.” (Derek Kidner, 2014. Psalms 1-72. Downers Grove Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 15) For example, Psalm 103:10 says, “He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.” These two phrases complement each other - variations on a theme, if you will. The two phrases taken together give a much richer, more colorful description of our sin and God’s forgiveness. In the same way, jazz is able to bring a rich palette of harmonic and rhythmic textures to support the text in ways not commonly found in modern worship music. My hope is these expressions of the Psalms will allow you to encounter the Living Christ as you practice the art of sacred listening.

In 2 Samuel 6, King David, bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem after it had been captured, danced with all his might before the Lord. I wonder if David was alive today - would he have chosen music with a swingin’ jazz style to dance to? A swingin’ Psalter?

You can listen to Connexion - a Jazz Psalter here.


Take care the beauty you take hold of


Psalm 90